At Schleswig-Holstein’s Representation in Berlin we work at the political interface between Land Schleswig-Holstein, Federal Government and the European Union. We promote the interests of Schleswig-Holstein in the Bundesrat (parliament of the governments in the Federal States) which is particularly important for us. And we represent our Land in contacts with the Bundestag (Parliament) and the Bundesregierung (Federal Government).
At the head of each Representation is a “Commissioner of the Land to the Federation”. The Commissioners from all 16 Federal States form the “Permanent Advisory Council” which advises the President and Presidium of the Bundesrat. The Commissioners also have the important task of informing and advising their Land governments about proposals and decisions of the Federal Government.
Bundesrat: A Constitutional Body within a Federal System
The meetings in the Bundesrat are prepared by the staff of the Representation, which also takes part in the meetings of the committees. We work in close consultation with the Land Government ministries. The Schleswig-Holstein Government decides how its votes will be cast in the Bundesrat.
At intervals of three to four weeks, always on a Friday, the German Bundesrat meets in plenary session in order to play its role in federal legislation and administration processes (Article 50 German Basic Law). No federal laws can be enacted without Bundesrat involvement. Depending on their populations, the Länder have between three and six votes in the Bundesrat. Each Land can only cast its votes as a unit. Schleswig-Holstein holds four votes out of the total of 69 votes in the Bundesrat. the Bundesrat
In order to be well-informed, we attend numerous expert and plenary meetings in the Bundestag. Our Land Government needs to be aware of the political intentions of the Federal Government if it is to be able to act rapidly and effectively in the interests of Schleswig-Holstein. We maintain contacts with parliamentarians, we report on meetings of the expert committees and the Bundestag and we represent the interests of Schleswig-Holstein.
Working for Democracy in a Special Location – The Minister Gardens
Half way between Bundesrat and Bundestag, close to Potsdamer Platz and Brandenburg Gate, and in direct vicinity of the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, the Representation is located in the political heart of Berlin, the Minister Gardens.
By the end of the Second World War, the heavy fighting had left this area in ruins and the city divided. In 1961 the death strip of the Berlin Wall was constructed right through Minister Gardens. After the fall of the Berlin Wall and German unification in 1989/90, the Minister Gardens found themselves at the heart of the reunited Berlin. With the decision in 1992 to relocate the Federal Government and the Bundestag in Berlin, the area became a central element of the new capital city planning. In addition to Schleswig-Holstein, a further six of the 15 Representations are now located in the Minister Gardens. Schleswig-Holstein shares its modern building opened in 2001 with Lower Saxony.
Reflecting, sharing, understanding: with some 200 events of all sizes every year we are a dynamic hub to various audiences. Like an embassy or cultural institute, we receive some 25,000 visitors every year. We offer public events, frequently with partner institutions from Schleswig-Holstein, on a wide range of topics and free of charge.
Readings, art events, panel discussions, workshops or conferences: our facilities offer creative settings for all kinds of events. With our kitchen’s delicious regional food from Schleswig-Holstein your visit will be a culinary delight. (Link auf Gebäude/Räume)
People who are interested in the politics of Schleswig-Holstein are most welcome to learn more about the law-making procedures, the political coordination between Land and Federation and about the history of our location. our facilities
We welcome our guests with “great” art. From the ground floor up to the fourth floor, the artist Benjamin Mastaglio from Kiel gave artistic form to the interior façade. Moreover, in the meeting rooms, annually renewed artistic contributions from Schleswig-Holstein provide creative impulses. "great" art
How to find us
The Representation is a five-minute walk from Potsdamer Platz Station (accessed by U2, S1, S2, S25). Alternatively, you can take the M85 bus from the Main Railway Station. How to find us
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