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Ministry of the Interior, Municipal Affairs, Housing and Sports

Last update: 2022.07.05

The tasks of the Ministry of the Interior, Municipal Affairs, Housing and Sports include various aspects of life of the people living in Schleswig-Holstein.

Its staff is made up by approximately 500 employees, headed by the Minister, Dr. Sabine Sütterlin-Waack.

Subordinate authorities associated with the Ministry are: The Bureau for Surveying and Geoinformation and the State Firefighting School.

The tasks

Money is not everything, but without money, all is nothing: The General Department is in charge of finance management as well as of issues relating to our constitution.

The staff of the Municipal Department is point of contact for cities, independent municipalities and communities. This includes providing support for fire brigades and rescue organizations by financing new vehicles and equipment.

Visible for everyone in its daily street work is the Police Department. Ensuring an efficient, motivated and qualified police force by providing adequate staff and equipment.

Whether homestead or rented dwelling – everybody needs a roof over their heads. The Division of Construction and Housing is dealing with all matters of this concern.

Planning permission for a new supermarket? Site evaluation for a wind power plant? Our territory is limited. The Department of Urban Development and Rural Areas provides framework and planning conditions for the Schleswig-Holstein landscaping projects.

In order to protect our rule of law, the staff members of the Department ‘Protection of the Constitution’ keep a watchful eye on the enemies of our democracy.

Ministerium für Inneres, Kommunales, Wohnen und Sport

Düsternbrooker Weg 92, 24105 Kiel

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