The Ministry of Justice and Health is run by the Minister, Prof. Dr. Kerstin von der Decken, and the State Secretaries, Otto Carstens and Dr. Oliver Grundei. The Minister is thus the highest employer of a total of 5.300 civil servants, and responsible for resourcing courts, the public prosecutor's offices, prisons and social justice services with personnel and equipment.
Legal policy close to the citizen
The Ministry follows a juridical and political agenda which is in line with citizens’ needs. It offers citizens, the business community and other authorities a variety of online services within the framework of the e-government service on a national and regional level. The comprehensive investment programme for modernising the prisons is a further focus in Schleswig-Holstein.
Current projects include the advancement of mediation and other methods of alternative dispute resolution, strengthening the protection of victims, the offender-victim mediation and juvenile delinquency diversion. In addition to working extensively on the juvenile delinquency, another aim is to accelerate the justice procedures, for young offenders even further.
Health policy is also one of the Ministry's central tasks. This includes, among other things, the planning and investment cost financing of the clinic infrastructure in the state or the strengthening of preventive health care. The ministry's responsibilities also include the health professions and the management of the Corona pandemic.
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